Amanda Sevilla

  • Teaching Associate Professor

Amanda's Affiliations: Internships

Dr. Amanda Sevilla has presented her work regionally and internationally in various areas of the humanities, including the following areas: Rhetoric of Technology, Media Ecology, Media Studies & The Toronto School, Intercultural Communication, Philosophy, Phenomenology, Rhetorical Theory, Digital Course Design, Sociolinguistics, Literature, Critiques of Modernism, and Writing Theory. She particularly enjoys working with the Media Ecology Association (MEA), an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to applying media ecology research (i.e., in social, technological, cultural, political, artistic, literary, educational contexts, etc.). Most recently, Dr. Sevilla was invited to work as the Pedagogy Editor for the Explorations in Media Ecology journal.

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Duquesne University
  • M.A. in English, Youngstown State University
  • B.S. in Education (English), Youngstown State University

Research Interests

Rhetorical Theory; Rhetoric of Technology & Science; Media Ecology; The Rhetoric of Publics & Public Spheres; Ethics & Crisis Communication; Pragmatics; Ethnography; Critiques of Modernity; Technological Change & AI