Clare Russell

  • Teaching Assistant Professor

Clare's Affiliations: Athletics, First Year Programs, CEAT

Clare Russell is a Rhetoric and Composition instructor interested in theories and pedagogies that benefit a diverse variety of writing students. Clare continually strives to make connections between what she studies and what she practices in her classroom. She has piloted Stretch Composition programs at two different institutions and taken any and all pedagogy courses offered during her masters and doctoral programs. Clare's teaching style is best described as a writing about writing approach, with an emphasis on genre awareness theory. Ask her about contract grading and how it has improved both her teaching and her relationship with her students! She is also prepared to discuss the following subjects at any time: teaching, cats, food, science fiction, hip-hop, her homestate of New Mexico, and her current favorite podcast.

Courses Taught:

ENGCMP 0150: Workshop in Composition

ENGCMP 0152: ESL Workshop in Composition

ENGCMP 0200: Seminar in Composition

ENGCMP 0641: Writing for Change

ENGCMP 1552: Language, Literacy and Learning

FP 0003/FP 0006: “Capitalism: Do You Buy It?”

Representative Publications

“Response to Inman and Powell’s ‘In the Absence of Grades: Dissonance and Desire in Course- Contract Classrooms.’” (September 2019) College Composition and Communication. With Lindsey Albracht, Al Harahap, Amanda Pratt, Ranmali Rodrigo, and Virginia M. Schwarz.

Russell, Clare Jennifer, "Curricular Inquiry: A Survey Of Writing Pedagogy Practicum Instructors" (2020). Wayne State University Dissertations. 2425.