Steffan Triplett

  • Teaching Assistant Professor, Interim Director of CAAPP

Steffan's Affiliations: CAAPP, CEC Hill District

Steffan Triplett is an essayist and cultural critic raised in Joplin, Missouri. He received his MFA from the University of Pittsburgh and is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis where he was a John B. Ervin Scholar. His hybrid memoir, Bad Forecast, is forthcoming from Essay Press in September 2024. He is also the author of the essay chapbook Constraints (New Michigan Press 2024).

Steffan’s nonfiction has been published in Longreads, Vulture, The Iowa Review, Electric Literature, Nat. Brut, Slate, and elsewhere, and is anthologized in It Came From the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (Feminist Press 2022). Triplett’s poetry and hybrid work has been published in Fence, DIAGRAM, and the Puerto del Sol Black Voices Series, and has been anthologized in Nepantla: An Anthology Dedicated to Queer Poets of Color (Nightboat 2018) and Revisiting the Elegy in the Black Lives Matter Era (Routledge 2019).

Steffan has been a fellow for Cave Canem, Callaloo, Outpost, and Lambda Literary and has received support from Tin House, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Blue Mountain Center, and Advancing Black Arts Pittsburgh. His work has been nominated for Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize, and was the winner of the Brutal Nation Prize in Prose judged by Matthew Olzmann.

Representative Publications